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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Wednesday Weigh In {Week 13}

Happy {sort of} weigh in Wednesday ladies! 

This is going to be short and sweet today because I feel like my to do list is getting longer and longer by the second. 

I've had a bad week in terms of watching what I'm eating and also just in general. I've comforted myself with food. I knew I was doing it while I was doing it and yet I continued to make bad decisions. We went out to dinner last night and I even had dessert, my favorite dessert. That is like 1,000 calories by itself. I didn't feel guilty about it at the time, and I told myself I wouldn't feel guilty about it later, but I did. 

Do you ever feel like you are sabotaging yourself?  I do. 

I'm up .6 lbs. this week and to be honest, I expected much worse. 

I'm wiping the slate clean and starting over as of now and looking forward to a week full of healthier choices. What else can you do?

Link up your fitness related posts below! 

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  1. This post sounds exactly like my week! I'm glad to report that my weight gain wasn't as bad as I thought it would be either :-)

  2. good for you for not giving up and starting again you rock

  3. We all have our bad moments. It makes us human!! You can do it!!


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