Hallelujah, Thank ya Jesus, it's Friday! Oh, sorry, had to get that off my chest!
WOO! It's almost the weekend!! Not that I have awesome plans or anything...maybe a hair cut..some birthday party planning..I'm still excited!
Anywhoo....I want to talk to y'all about friendships for a minute.
- a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.
Friendships come in all shapes and sizes, they are made differently, last different lengths of time, and they certainly all function in their own fashions. I believe that the best friendships form unexpectedly.
Sometimes you may hit it off with a new friend instantly, or it could take you weeks or months to really get to know someone and appreciate who they are. Maybe your friend of 10 years is more like an acquaintance these days but your friend of 2 months feels like she has been by your side for an entire lifetime. Or maybe your closest girlfriend lives hundreds of miles away.
Lindsey and I have been friends for just a short time but I feel like we've known each other forever.
We hit it off instantly. We don't always agree on everything but we listen, share, and laugh together. While life is changing fast for the both of us and throwing unexpected curve balls our way, we're just rolling with it. I'm excited for this new chapter in your life Lins. I'm gonna miss you like no other, but girlfriend, we're gonna tear up that town! ;)
Lindsey is here today to share the story of how we met with all of y'all. Please welcome her and leave some comment love. She loves me, so she loves all y'all too!
Take it away lovebug!
Hi And They Call Me Mommy readers! I am Lins and I blog over at
Country Roots City Living! My blog is more of a lifestyle blog, and here lately I've been talking mostly about our moving shenanigans. My family moved from Indiana to Houston three months ago and now we are making a move to Oklahoma! No, we are not gypsies, we are moving for my husband's job. I hope this is our last BIG move for awhile!
What I thought I would chat to you about today is how Lacey and I met! When the move to Houston was getting closer I was starting to get nervous because I was moving to a brand new city where I wouldn't know anyone. I mean I am a stay at home mom so I am not out a lot to make friends. Since I'm a blogger, I searched online for bloggers in Houston and found several that I began to read on the regular. Then, I also stumbled upon a Facebook page that a lot of those Houston bloggers were connected to.
One hot summer day, I posted about
The Color Run, a 5K that was coming to Houston. I was so excited, I knew that I wanted to do it, but I also knew I did not want to go at it alone. So I posted about it in the bloggers' facebook group and this sweet little southern belle reached out to me and told me I could join her running team because she was doing it The Color Run too. We started emailing each other and I asked her 148,323,874,380,209 questions about her and just about anything else you could think of! Hey, I had to make sure she was a normal person and not some crazy! HA
It seemed like it took forever for us to both have our schedules cleared at the same time so we could get together, but FINALLY the day came that we were going to meet up. I was so excited the entire day; I was like a little school girl bouncing off the walls. I was never nervous that we were not going to hit it off, I knew we both were very authentic in our emails and texts and I was just not worried. I got to Starbucks first (the wrong one, but in my defense there were like three on one block together) got my drink and waited. When she walked in we both gave each other a huge hug and it was like we had been hanging out forever.
I know that our friendship is going to be on that lasts a lifetime! She laughs at me when I get fired up, but she is always there to listen to me when I need to vent. She is also always there to give me good advice when I'm leaning towards being irrational, and then we end up laughing about it. I am there for her when she is upset and so overwhelmed with her never ending to do list. Girlfriend likes to spread herself thin, she does not know how to say no, BUT that is one of those things I love about her!
Girl I am so glad you came into my life! I am totally going to miss you when I move but we are going to plan trips to visit each other often! We are definatly going to do that market weekend one of these days! We already know where our halfway point to meet for girls weekends and we can start getting some ideas together for a few shenangians we can get into while we are there. I love you girl! Thank you for being there and helping me for the short time we have known each other! :)