When Chris and I got together, I slowly did a 180 and my blog became less and less important. Eventually, I stopped posting all together. I didn't realize it at the time, but I needed a serious break from blogging. I put a lot of pressure on myself when it came to my blog because it was my business and I wanted to be successful. The last post that I published was on January 4th of this year, my birthday. I quit posting on social media except for personal use and even that tapered down to a trickle. I just shut it all off and enjoyed what was going on around me. For months, I didn't even log into my blog. I didn't drown myself in stats, PR inquiries, design, posts, editorial calendars, etc. I just didn't care about any of that anymore.
Over the last few months, I have found myself missing this space, this community. I made so many friends while blogging, became a part of this community that is pretty fantastic. I miss that, a lot and I miss expressing myself in this space, writing about whatever the hell I feel like writing about. I miss my readers (and I'm hoping there are still some of you hanging around!), and I miss the great opportunities that I was presented with because of my work on this blog.
I'm approaching blogging a little differently this time around; I have to remember that this blog is my part time thing and not my full time, only thing.
So much has happened in the last 9 months and I can't wait to catch y'all up!
February: I accepted a job in the oil and gas industry. The company I work for is only a few years old and is growing like crazy. The opportunity was a really exciting one that I just couldn't pass up. I love being a part of something that is developing and expanding all the time. I currently supervise the most awesome team of billing coordinators and I sincerely L.O.V.E. my job!
May: Chris graduated from UTI! Oh, what a long road that was! I am so proud of him; he worked so hard and stayed focused. He pushed through, even on the days that he didn't want to and he finished. It was definitely not easy most days, but we made it through together.
Also in May, we got married :) I'll be doing a full post on the wedding at a later time, but y'all, it was perfect!
June: In June, I had surgery. I'll be doing a more detailed post on my surgery at a later date, but for now I'll say this: I'm fine.
July: My company moved it's headquarters to the Greenway Plaza area of Houston. For those of you who aren't familiar with Houston or where I live - that's a 45 minute drive from where I live, on a good day. I had to change my schedule in order to avoid major traffic issues so now I wake up at 3 a.m. in order to make it to work by 6 a.m. The struggle is real y'all. I'm learning to love it and the area that we work in is pretty hip. Also, I do have this awesome view from my office:
August: I became "softball mom" to the cutest little 8U softball player I've seen!
We made a big move in August also! We moved into our "for now dream house" (because our real dream includes a lot of land in the middle of no where!). We really lucked out with this house; we love our neighborhood and our neighbors, the kids have tons of friends on our street and within the neighborhood, and our home is pretty much amazing! Chris and I still look at each other sometimes like, "Is this real?"
Then, our "baby" started his first year of "big kid school" and our little lady started 2nd grade!
The kids are both doing fantastic in school and they are loving every minute of it! I was worried that James would not adjust well because he is more on the shy side, but he has done so awesome!
October: Our beautiful little girl, who is not so little any more, turned 8.
She's so sassy! :)
There are so many other moments over the last 9 months that I would love to share with you, but it would take me another 9 months to recount them all. I hope you'll be satisfied with the highlight reel! I'm so excited to be back in the writing "saddle." A big thanks to all of you who hung on while I was on my little break!