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Friday, February 22, 2013

Photography Friday {Take Two}

Cadillac Ranch; Amarillo, Texas
Boy am I glad to see Friday again! Today is the second edition of Photography Friday and I'm so excited so share these photos with you!

In early December (2012) we packed up the kids and made the 12 hour trip from Houston to Amarillo; we surprised my husband's grandparents and it was such a fun moment to see the look on their faces! This trip was only the second time I"d been to Amarillo and I was determined to get some sight seeing done. 

The pictures I"m sharing with you today are among some of the very first pictures I took with my dSLR and yet still some of my favorites! 

These following were taken at Palo Duro Canyon State Park, Amarillo, Texas

We climbed into that cave!

If you ever have the chance to go out to Amarillo I highly recommend you visit the canyon. It is absolutely breath taking and beautiful. My husband tried to talk me out of going - he said it was nothing special and he was so wrong! 
 photo signaturelacey_zps19b5605a.png {This month's advertisement}

1 comment:

  1. haha saying its nothing special might be something i'd say about certain areas.

    i'm not totally a fan of texas but thats cause i live in the PNW and i have lots of green and mountains.


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