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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wednesday Weigh In {Week 3}

Hello sweet friends! How are ya? I'm feeling so energetic this morning and it has nothing to do with the two cups of  coffee I've had so far! I actually got about 11 hours of sleep last night which is so very rare for me. I'm lucky to get 6 hours a night and in all actuality 3 or 4 hours is more likely! 

Anyhow, we're here for the Wednesday Weigh In and I'm so happy that you guys are linking up with me! Keep up the good work!

So my weigh in this morning was pretty...crappy! I was expecting it though to be honest, I could feel it! I did okay  this week but I made some bad choices and I knew it when I was making them. The scale reflected that this morning. I have lots of excuses as to why I did things the way I did but we all know that excuses aren't worth much, right? 

Yea, so I'm only .2 lbs less than I was on week one and that sucks! However, I've got a plan!! Planning helps me to stay on track so I'm going to spend some time today going through my fitness board on pinterest and making a list of foods I should be eating. Doing this will help me when I am grocery shopping and menu planning. Plus if I have a list of "approved" foods then I will be more likely to make a healthy choice.

How do you keep yourself on track? 

Next Wednesday I want to talk about the reasons why I want to loose weight and I'd love it if you joined in on the conversation. Let's talk about what our motivators are! 

Since I need some motivation right now I'm going to link up with Michelle @ The Vintage Apple for Oh How Pinteresting! and show y'all some of my favorite fitness related pins!

                                                       Source: via Lacey on Pinterest

                                                          Source: via Lacey on Pinterest

                                       Source: Uploaded by user via Lacey on Pinterest

                                            Source: via Lacey on Pinterest

Make it a great week y'all!!!



  1. Hi Lacey!
    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog... so glad you did! BTW, love your blog design. Starting next week, I would love to join in on your weigh in link up (I don't like to weigh myself much because I don't like to be disappointed!)
    Anywho, in your post you asked how to keep yourself on track. I've been doing a boot camp fitness class for over a year now and that is the only thing I've ever *stuck* to. It's hard at first but I noticed changes after the first 3 weeks. It's motivating and you meet cool new friends. Sorry for long post!
    Your Newest Follower ☺

    1. Hey there :) Thanks for the comment on my blog design - I'm actually in the middle of a total overhaul so it will probably look different the next time you come back! lol
      I would love love love it if you joined in on my link up!
      I've never tried a boot camp type class - I've thought about it, but honestly been too intimidated :) I will have to look into it!

      Thanks for stopping by & following! Talk soon!

  2. Hi Lacey, love this idea! For me the best way to stay on track is to keep a food journal. I'm a new follower and will join you next week. :)


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