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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Pipeline Pizza - A #ReviewCrew Review

 As a member of the #ReviewCrew I was compensated for this review. However, all thoughts and opinions expressed in this post are honest and 100% my own. 

A few weeks ago Chris and I decided that we wanted to try out a new restaurant; we hopped onto to see what we could find. Pipeline Pizza wasn't too far from home and pizza sounded good so we purchased a $15 gift code for just a few bucks and headed out.

When we arrived, I realized that Pipeline was a brand new place - I was even more eager to try it out then! Once inside, we were greeted by friendly counter staff who helped us with the ordering process. There are menus inside the door - you just order at the counter and choose a seat. Easy peasy. Below is a shot of the menu - it's not the greatest but I wanted to show y'all all of Pipeline Pizza's offerings. You can also view their full menu online

We started off our meal with the buffalo wings - Chris' choice ;) Now I'm a fan of wings, but I'm also pretty picky about the flavor and texture also. I can tell you that these were spot on. Trust me when I tell you that I fought for my fair share!

I was craving a salad so I ordered a caesar, my favorite. You might be thinking - "a salad is a salad right?" Well, kind of. The thing that stood about this salad for me was the dressing. It tasted house made - so much so that we asked our server about it. We were disappointed when he informed us that it was not and even more so when he wouldn't tell us where we could find it! 

I chose this Italian Special Sandwich as my main entree. It was loaded down with meats and vegetables and cheese. You guys, it was amazing - fresh, crunchy, with just the right flavors! It was also giant! I only ate half and saved the rest for lunch the following day! 

Chris went with the Chicken Parmesan - one of his favorite meals. This plate was giant; two large pieces of chicken over noodles topped with sauce and a meatball! The chicken was breaded and cooked perfectly with just the right crunch. I hate it when I get a chicken parmesan that is a little soggy! The garlic bread was pretty awesome too.

Between the ambiance, great service, and delicious food - we were really impressed with Pipeline Pizza. Beyond that, the prices were amazing. I'm a little sad that we now live clear on the other side of town from this little gem. If you live in the Houston area, you should definitely look them up! is the trusted and valued source connecting restaurants and diners nationwide.  The company offers savings at thousands of restaurants nationwide with more than 50,000 gift certificate options. brings people together to relax, converse and enjoy well-prepared and served meals at affordable prices.  To date, customers have saved more than $1 billion through the gift certificate program.”
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