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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Oh, How Pinteresting!

I've barely gotten all of Addison's birthday gifts put away and already I'm planning for James' big day. To be honest, I have been planning his party for quite some time now, but the time is getting near. My big boy will be three in just 4 1/2 weeks!

 Didn't the Hubs and I do an awesome job planning for our children. I mean, who in their right mind has kids with birthdays so close together?! Right before Christmas no less?! Oh yes, that's right - those who don't actually plan those types of things. Go Us! You are picking up on my sarcasm right?

These days, no party planning adventure would be complete without a little pinspiration so I thought I'd share with you some of my favorite pins for James' upcoming party!

Here we go
Source: via Lacey on Pinterest

                                                                         Source: via Lacey on Pinterest

                                                               Source: via Lacey on Pinterest

                                                                 Source: via Lacey on Pinterest

                                                             Source: via Lacey on Pinterest

If you want to see the rest of my The Very Hungry Caterpillar  board, follow me on pinterest!

Happy Wednesday y'all!



  1. I love this party idea! I remember this caterpillar from when I was little :3

    xo, Heather

  2. I love that theme! I know you will rock it out too. You're too funny- your birthday date comments gave me a laugh today.

  3. If it makes you feel any better all three of my sisters are December birthdays (14th, 17th and yes... the 24th) and my brother is a January baby. I'm the only summer child and it is marvelous. Oh, did I mention that my dad, aunt and grandmother are also all December birthdays? Oh, and you know... my husband too. December is a busy month for our family. ;)

  4. OH MY GOSH! LOVE this party idea! It is really creative. I love this book and all those decorations and party ideas are great!!
    PS thanks for following, i am now your newest follower :)

  5. How completely awesome is the theme of your son's bday party. My daughter LOVES this book and she is also turning 3 very soon. November 1st to be exact. :-) They grow up soooo quickly!

  6. @Sarah, thanks for following :)

    @Christy - my little man will be 3 on Nov. 12th! Happy Birthday to your little sweetie!!

  7. Shut your mouth! These are the best birthday party pins EVER!!! Whomever did this for their kids birthday is a GENIUS!!!

  8. So cute! Reminds me of when my elder niece (now 7 1/2) was a baby and I bought her a boxed set of Eric Carle board books.

  9. SUCH a cute idea! Love this! you did GREAT!

  10. This is such an amazing idea! I love your blog and I am now following it!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  11. Newest follower here! I found your blog through the Texas blog group—I’m one of the newest members! I love your hungry caterpillar stuff!

  12. I'm not sure what it is that you don't "get?" Please elaborate.

  13. Thanks for following Kelly Ann - following you back! :)


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