I've been totally slacking in the blogger department lately and it's also been awhile since I joined in on Mama Kat's Writer's Work Shop; when I saw the prompts this week I knew that it was the perfect time to jump back in.
The first prompt is 10 To Do's in June. Since I'm one hell of a list maker (although I lack in the follow through department) I knew this one was perfect for me!
So, without further adieu...
1) Lose 10 pounds.
I'm currently at my highest not-pregnant weight EVER. This is not cool. I was doing really well with regular diet & exercise until my car accident. My doctor told me to refrain from working out while I was undergoing treatment for my injuries. Um, sure Doc, you're not gonna have to twist my arm! While this has been good for my lazy bone, it hasn't been good for my figure. Now that I've been released by my doctor to resume normal exercise, Momma's gonna get her sexy back!
2) Get signed up for the 2013 Ticket Sales Committee for the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo.
I live in Houston and round here the HLSR is a BIG deal. It's been a huge part of my life for about as long as I can remember and I've always wanted to volunteer to work the rodeo. Not only is it for a seriously great cause, but let's face it, the perks are AMAZING. In the past I was worried about not being able to commit myself to the amount of time it takes to do the job right, but this year the time is finally right!! So y'all keep me in mind if you find yourself needing some tickets to the rodeo!!
3) Make New Friends, Online & Off.
I'm awful when it comes to making new friends; I'm so quiet and shy around new people. It's so awkward especially since I'm generally neither shy nor quiet. However, I'm trying to put myself out there more. I've recently joined two mommy groups that host play dates just about every day of the week. This will get both the kids & myself out more often and socializing with new people. It's great for me to converse with someone over the age of 4 and it's great for the kids to socialize and wear themselves out before nap time :)
I'm also looking forward to connecting with other bloggers & readers online.
4) Get A Tan.
It's summer y'all, and it is hot. And I don't like the heat. I don't like being outside, sweating like a dirty pig, 10 seconds after I've showered. This makes it difficult for me to get a tan unless I fake bake. I love a cozy tanning bed. Just not in the summer, cause it's hot in there and then it's hot outside too. Then I'm still a big ball of sweat. Looks like I'm gonna be spending a a lot of time in the pool this summer (keep cool + get a tan)...Unless I want to keep looking like Casper...
5) Get Organized.
Yea, like that is gonna happen. Moving On.
6) Get Back In My Blogging Groove.
Totally slacking on this front lately and it's bugging the crap out of me. I have the longest list of things I want to write about it and I'm running out of room both on paper and in my head. I need to hash some of these ideas out and hit the "publish" button!
7) Organize an Ad Swap For July.
I'd really like to get an ad swap going with other bloggers in time for July. Anyone interested? Email me!
8) Spend Less Time On Social Media & More Time With My Kids.
I constantly feel like I'm trying to catch up. On Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest. The madness Has Got To Stop!
It's way more fun hanging out with my kids anyway. Usually...
9) Plan An Awesome Night for My Upcoming Anniversary!
McHubby & I are celebrating 5 years on July 1st! Five years is a huge milestone in my opinion and I want to do something special to celebrate. I have a few ideas but I haven't made any concrete decisions yet...Any tips??
And now for my most easily attainable goal yet...
10) Drink.More.Wine.
©..And They Call Me Mommy,2012.
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