I wanted to tell y'all a little story today; a little insight as to why St. Patrick's Day is important to me. Growing up, I never paid much attention to St. Patrick's Day. It was just a day where I had to make sure I wore green (or purposefully forget to) so that I wouldn't (or would! ha!) get pinched. It was always a fun day, but it came and went every year and I never gave it too much thought.
Rewind to St. Patrick's Day, 1998. My mom tells me that she is going out for drinks with a coworker and that she was taking me to her coworkers' house and I'd be hanging out with her 3 children for the evening. Oh, great - this ought to be good thought my 14 year old brain. I'd never met these people before and now I was going to be expected to socialize with them for God knows how long and this is going to be awkward! I had no idea how that one night would change the course of the rest of my life.
It's been 16 years since I was first introduced to those crazy (and I can say that because we're family!) people. Four people who have been incredibly important to me for over half of my lifetime. It's hard to believe that it's been 16 years.
That night I met an amazingly strong woman who has seen me through some tough times and who has been there for me any time I've allowed her to be. A woman who can make me crazy in one minute but whom I still admire and respect and turn to; a woman who has been a second mother to me.
That night I met my best friend. A girl who was shy and reserved and who I honestly thought I would never get along with. A girl who probably thought I was a total bitch at the time (I'm pretty sure that's accurate, right B?) and to be honest, I probably was. A girl that I eventually got to know and grew to love. A girl that has been my sister through it all. A girl who grew up right alongside me and now is an amazing woman. We've been through hell and back together and in life in general but we always make it through to the other side. My best friend, of 16 years - where would I be without you?
That night I met two boys; both of whom have taught me some life lessons, both of whom I've loved like family since day one. I had no idea that one of them would turn out to be the love of my life. That we would grow up as friends and eventually realize that we are soul mates. Never could I have imagined that the man I would someday fall in love with - that would someday be the father of my children - was in the room that night. I would have never imagined that the annoying kid with a sling shot slingin' pennies at his sister would end up being my dream guy!
So you see, St. Patrick's Day isn't just a day about luck or wearing green - not for me. Although I'd have to say, luck was definitely on my side that day back in 1998. St. Patrick's Day is an anniversary date that I will never forget.
Through the good times and the bad - I love all of you guys! Happy Anniversary!

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