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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

So Fresh, So Clean

Howdy y'all! Is it really Wednesday already? Thank goodness! I feel like I have a ton of stuff to catch y'all up on...maybe that's cause my head is spinning and I"m being pulled in a hundred different directions. Yup...that's probably it!

So actually, I wanted to talk skin care with y'all today. Confession: I'm the worst at removing my makeup/washing my face/moisturizing, etc., and yet I wonder why I sometimes have the skin of a teenager. It boils down to this: I'm lazy. I know, ridiculous, but it's true. Lately I've been doing more to keep my skin, specifically my face, looking great. I'm not getting any younger over here and it's time to take some preventative measures.

Lucky for me I got this lovely package in the mail last week:

Now I'd never heard of Mario Badescu products before, but apparently they are the biz-nass. About a month ago I was reading my friend Shanna's blog when I came across this post and then not long after that I was snooping around Meg's blog and I found this post. I took all that as a sign that I should kick my rump in high gear and get those fabulous samples Shanna was talking about.

I was so excited when I got my package of samples in the mail last week! I wasn't expecting such a variety of products and I was so anxious to try them that I washed all my makeup off and used them right away. I've been using the Mariod Badescu samples morning and night for a week now and I've gotta tell ya - I'm impressed! My face is smooth, no dry spots, my breakouts are getting fewer and fewer and my pores look smaller! To me this equals a huge success!

Anyway, my point is, go get your samples and try them for yourself!! This is not a sponsored post, I am just excited about these products and I wanted to share with y'all!

QUICK SIDE NOTE: If you are in the Houston, Texas area OR if you travel to Houston for the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo and you are interested in purchasing SEASON, MINI SEASON, SUITE, OR BULK GENERAL ADMISSION TICKETS, get with me! I'm a volunteer on the ticket sales committee this year and I can hook you up with seats. If you are interested or have questions, email me!

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